Email & Text Delivery
Some events lend themselves to not producing a printed photo. In these cases, we can deliver photos by email or text message. We still offer the ability to utilize custom graphics including logos or theme elements in the same manner in which we print photos.
In addition, links to websites or additional photo downloads can be incorporated into the message. This version of digital delivery allows for easy and immediate social sharing.

Utilize custom branding to advertise products and provide unique keepsakes that drive traffic. Branding becomes even greater when photos are displayed or placed on social media sites.
Photo Ops are a great draw and are less cumbersome than other giveaways. Small event space is no concern for a photographer with only a laptop or tablet. Additionally, the percentage of valid email and phone numbers increase since guests want to receive their photo.
Some events require the photo captured at a specific time that is not convenient for printing. Although delayed printing is an option, a digital delivery reduces the stress of matching up the guest and photo at a later time.
Equipment & Connectivity
Setups can be as simple as a photographer with an attached tablet and wireless number pad. Check out our RDDS system.
More intricate setups can include green screen and studio lighting. A 10'x15' space allows for full studio setup and the sky's the limit.
Most importantly, a strong wireless connection is vital. We can work with you setup data for your event.

See RDDS in Action
From Camera to Phone! Watch the sequence of how it works.
- Photographer takes a photo
- Phone number is entered on a wireless keypad
- Custom graphics are automatically added
- The photo is received with a custom message
- A download link can also be provided to allow for a high-resolution download of the photo